Saturday, October 17, 2009

Confessions of a junk-aholic

I am a self proclaimed junk-aholic, turned soon-to-be registered holistic nutritionist. My goal is to inform and inspire others to live longer, healthier lives. Everyday I will post information, tips, and stories on how to eat, move and live well. Enjoy!

Growing up, and especially throughout my highschool and university years, I was a complete junk-aholic. Healthy food choices were not on my radar, and I never thought twice about scarfing down a McDonalds Big Mac and fries at 2am, after a night of drinking and partying. I never took care of my self or my body, and ended up almost 40 pounds over weight. It wasn't until I could no longer fit into my size 32 jeans (at 5 feet tall might I add) that I started thinking about making some changes. I was always sick, always anxious and never completely satisfied with myself. I began to realize that the only person who was going to change my life for me was ME! I needed some guidance and help in order to get to where I am today, and that is what my goal is through this blog- To be the help and guidance for anyone who needs it, in order to get started on the path toward wellness.

I am currently studying to become a registered holistic nutritionist, and wish to share my experiences and insights with anyone who is open minded enough to learn. My goal is to clarify the many myths about food and health, as well as provide everyone with food and exercise tips, techniques and resources.

Until next time...BE well.